In our last episode,
the lovely and talented the wharf rat
Post by the wharf ratCan someone change the motd to read
"Hi! Welcome to prismnet's shell servers! We're
so very glad to see you!"
because the default one that comes with bsd is so cold and
clinical it just doesn't make me feel special and wanted...
Here's one they can borrow. Of course, they would have to change
the host name from Goodwill. You'll have the imagine the beautimous
ANSI colors:
FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE (APRIL0506) #1: Wed Apr 5 02:21:00 CDT 2006
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FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE (APRIL0506) #1: Wed Apr 5 02:21:00 CDT 2006
Lars Eighner ***
When the time comes to hang the American Historical Society
someone will be there selling commemorative rope.